
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Body is a Temple

Self-Examination Part 2:
Strengthening The Body:

In the last post I addressed the importance of nurturing your mind through scripture reading and using positive affirmations to build a sound mind and healthy self-esteem. Today I would like to focus on the body and the significance of physical strength and health. The mind is truly unable to function to its full capacity if the body is not in good physical condition. Therefore it is essential that we take care of ourselves on a regular basis and treat our bodies with the utmost respect. Fitness, nutrition and rest are the key components to creating and maintaining a healthy lifestyle and body. The Bible has this to say about our bodies;

1st Corinthians 6:19-20

What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.

Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit! Wow! This verse speaks such truth and should be a wakeup call to everyone. It sure woke me up and got me thinking and revaluating my life. This reminded me of a statement my Dad would always tell me when I was young which states;

“You can have all the wealth and riches in the world but if you don’t have your health then you have nothing.”

This is so true because you can have lots of money and all kinds of material things but how can you enjoy them without your health. The simple answer is you can’t! Your body is vessel handcrafted by God and it is our job to nurture it on a daily basis through nutrition, fitness and rest. By simply taking care of our bodies we are serving God and bringing glory to his Heavenly Kingdom. Destroying the body is a direct insult on God or a swift slap to his face. We need to realize that our bodies are a gift and it is our duty and responsibility to maintain them.

Our bodies are like a car in that they need fuel to run and regular maintenance to perform the everyday tasks of life. If you don’t put fuel in your car then it is pretty much a useless machine because it needs gas to run the engine. It is also true that if you run your car for months on end without changing the oil then inevitably the car will breakdown and stop running. Likewise, if you don’t supply your body with the proper nutrients then it will most likely breakdown and get sick. Food and water is the fuel for the body like gas is to a car. I am not by any means a nutritionist but I do understand what it takes to live healthy.

For more than 4 years I starved my body of food, water and the essential nutrients that we all need to survive. I suffered from Anorexia Nervosa and it almost took my life. By an act of God and through the support of a loving family I landed in treatment and it saved my life. While in treatment I learned to eat healthy and to nurture my body through nutrition. If you are currently in recovery or are suffering from an eating disorder know that food is not the enemy. Food is the fuel of the body that we all need to survive. I currently eat 3 meals per day with at least 2 snacks depending upon my workout schedule for the day. I also consume just around a gallon of water per day.  Water is the most important thing you can give your body. I start with a healthy breakfast incorporating all the food groups. Breakfast is probably the most important meal because it gives you the energy to get through the day. When I was young, I never ate breakfast and I always found myself dragging by mid afternoon. Also, if you start off with a nice breakfast your body isn’t starving during the day which can help prevent you from overeating at lunch or dinner. I follow up my breakfast with a nice lunch and then with dinner and again each of my meals consist of all the food groups. This may seem like simple information but for those struggling with eating disorders and other addictions it is essential that you give your body the proper fuel and nutrients to recover everything you depleted. If you need a proper meal plan for your recovery or are looking for more information on nutrition then I would suggest seeking out a nutritionist in your area.

I previously mentioned that a car needs regular maintenance like tunes ups and oil changes. Likewise we can maintain are bodies not only through proper nutrition, but also through fitness and rest. I grew up in an athletic family and I have been active since I was a little kid. I was always playing sports, running, and when I got older, lifting weights. I truly believe that by being active on a regular basis your body will stay in sound health and your mind and spirit will be empowered as well. I am not saying you need to start lifting weights or running every day. I am just suggesting that you be active in a way that best suits your body and life. You can go for a walk or jog, take Yoga or Pilates classes, stretch, swim, bike, and the list goes on and on. God blessed us with an amazing body that was created to be active.

When I was in the grips of my eating disorder and alcoholism, I did nothing to maintain my health and body. I never worked out, or went for a walk or anything. I was always tired and lived my life in a constant haze and depression. Now that I am in strong recovery I run and workout elevating my serotonin which naturally strengthens my mind and body. My suggestion to you is to start out with a nice daily walk and stretch and increase from there. Also, don’t exercise or workout by yourself. Find a partner such as a friend, husband, wife, or brother or sister and workout together. This is a good way to make it enjoyable and at the same time you can hold each other accountable. Fitness and exercise is not designed to be painful or a miserable experience. It should be something you look forward to and feel good about doing. Finally, when you are active on a regular basis you will find that your sleep is much healthier. When I was sick I never slept and I had to use energy drinks to make it through each day. Now that I am healthy, my sleep is great and I am full of energy during the day. Know that everyone is different and that we all need different amounts of rest and sleep to function properly. Find out how much sleep you need and make sure you get plenty of good rest each night so you are at the top of your game each day when you wake up. A rested body is a healthy body!


If you are in recovery with an eating disorder please seek council from your treatment team/nutritionist on what exercise level is acceptable for you.

Here is my self-inventory of my current health and fitness level. I truly believe at the ripe old age of 27 that today I am in better shape than I have ever been in my entire life. When I was a competitive lacrosse player I pushed my body to the brink exhausting myself on a daily basis. I thought that was being in good physical form but was I ever wrong. Today, I am much healthier and stronger. I currently run 4-5 times per week and workout just around 5 times a week as well. I eat 3 full meals per day with 2-3 nutritious snacks. In other words, I eat when I am hungry.  I also replenish my body with at least a gallon of water per day.  Now that I am healthy my body understands how much food and water it needs to function properly.

My fitness routine may seem like a lot but it really isn’t. In college I ran almost every day, went to practice and worked out as well all while not eating. Today, I am currently training for the Baltimore Marathon which is on October 16, 2010. I have a trainer and I never workout alone. When I run, I don’t take a watch and run at my own pace. I don’t lift weights anymore because of the strain it put on my body when I was younger. I am currently doing a workout called PowerFlex by Flexerciseworkouts, which is a fitness routine using only your body. I love this workout because it really allows you to connect with your body on a spiritual level. It’s based off of natural animal movements and uses stretching and body resistance to build strength and endurance. It’s a simple 30 minute workout designed for men and women of all ages. My mom actually does this workout as well and she loves it. She is a breast cancer survivor and she was always wasting money on gym memberships trying to stay healthy. She was then introduced to BeautyFlex which is the female version of PowerFlex and she has been doing it ever since. If you would like more information on PowerFlex and BeautyFlex then please check out this link; Today, I am using my body to serve God through fitness, nutrition and health. No longer will I destroy it through worldly vices such as eating disorders and drinking. God blessed me with this amazing vessel and I am not going to let it go to waste.

Remember, your body is a temple and it is a beautiful vessel, uniquely sculpted, and crafted by God. There will never be another body just like yours. Your health is the most important thing in this world because without it, you can do nothing. Take care of yourself through fitness, nutrition and rest. Find out what works best for you and go with it. For me, it’s running! When I am running I am free and alive!!!

What makes you come alive??

“He who has health, has hope. And he who has hope, has everything.” – Proverb

Live Strong,

Patrick Bergstrom

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