
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Power of Kindness

The Act of  Kindness

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”
- Plato

I read this quote early this morning and posted it to the I Chose To Live fan page. It really spoke to my heart. I love to write but I tend to only write when I feel inspired from the depths of my heart. This is one of these times. This quote is so simple but has such power in its meaning. Life is truly a battlefield everyday and every second. There will be times where you feel like you are on top of the world and times when you feel like you just want to give up. Of course there will also be those in between times as well. I have experienced all of these peaks and valleys in life and I truly believe there is no greater human power on this earth than the simple act of “kindness.”

This quote also reminded me of my parents because I was always told to be kind to strangers because you really have no idea what’s going on in their life. How true is this?? So true!! Let me give you a quick example. Say you go out for a nice dinner and your server is grumpy and messes up your order. Should you bash them and make them feel miserable? Some people would probably say yes and I see this happen all the time. Try thinking about the server and what they might be going through. They might have just experienced a great loss or might be dealing with a personal struggle. You just really don’t know. This is where a simple act of kindness comes in. Instead of blowing up on the server, next time, try being friendly and leave a nice tip. I have done this many times and you will leave feeling so much better. I can also guarantee that you made that servers day.

Everyone is human and nobody is perfect and we are all seeking approval, acceptance, love and happiness. This is a crazy world we live in and sometimes we just make it worse by being biter, rude, selfish, inconsiderate and angry. I am just as guilty as the next person but I am trying to change on a daily basis. I am in recovery from an eating disorder and alcoholism and I believe this has allowed me to become more caring and compassionate. I am no longer self seeking and angry at the world and the people around me. I am coming closer to God each day and he is opening my eyes and heart to true love and kindness. So today I choose to act not impulsively but kindly.

My goal is to be a light to the strangers that I encounter today. I hope that you will do just the same. Think of ways in which you can go out of your way for others and even for people you don’t know. Feel free to post your suggestions and experiences. Even a simple “hello” to somebody can turn someone’s day around for the better. Again you just don’t know what type of battle they are currently fighting. Take me for instance. You can’t look at me and know that I am a recovering alcoholic and anorexic but I am. So be careful what you say to people and try not to make judgments or even disrespectful comments. Who are we to bring down the spirits of another? Jesus Christ was persecuted and crucified for our sins for he had none. Jesus delivered us from sin and evil through the greatest act of kindness ever recorded in history. He gave his life for us so that we could live. So I will say again; who are we to judge and belittle others?

We are all beautiful creations of God and we are all experiencing the highs and lows in the journey of life. So I say let’s be a friend to those around us and build each other up, instead of tearing each other down. The choices you make today have the power to save someone else’s life tomorrow. Be the kindness in the world today. You have the power to brighten and alter the life of someone else today for the better but you also have the power to tear someone a part. I am choosing to act in kindness and am reaching out to love and support others. I pray that you will do the same!

A simple smile has the power to bring happiness into the lives of a stranger. Be kind, and God Bless!

Live Strong,


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